All India Rubber Industries Association
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Managing Committee
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Members' Directory 2022
Managing Committee for the year 2023-24
Mr. Shashi Singh
Sr. Vice President
Mr. Zafar Ahmed
Vice President
Mr. Indra Parekh
Members of the Managing Committee
Ordinary Class
Mr. Vishnu Bhimrajka
Mr. Vinod Bansal
Mr. Dharmesh Dhanani
Mr. Milind Joshi
Mr. Vikram Makar
Mr. Vinod Patkotwar
Mr. Soumil Shah
Mr. Mahesh Velu
Mr. Anay Gupta
Mr. Surinder Paul Gupta
Mr. Vipan Mehta
Mr. Sanjeev Sikka
Mr. Nipun Jain
Mr. Kamlesh Jain
Mr. Ramesh Kejriwal
Mr. Partha Sarkar
Mr. K. K. Chowdhury
Mr. Manmeet Chadha
Mr. N. Rajagopal
Mr. K. Srikanth
Mr. K. Ganesh
Mr. Chandramouli Suresh
Mr. R. Karthik
Mr. Ravindra Barde
(Chairman - WRC-AIRIA)
Mr. Ankit Jain
(Chairman - SRC-AIRIA)
Mr. Mukesh Kakkar
(Chairman - NRC-AIRIA)
Mr. Rakesh Kumar Dugar
(Chairman - ERC-AIRIA)
Associate Class
Mr. Siddharth Bhimrajka
Mr. Sunil More
Mr. Bharat Relan
Mr. Rajendra Shah
Co-opted Members
Mr. Prasant Wani
Mr. Rajesh Sampat
Mr. Harvinder Singh Chitkara
Mr. Arjun Bahri Dhawan
Honorary Members
Mr. Jaydev Chatterjee
Mr. K. D. Shah
Mr. S. A. Shah
Mr. K. J. Janakar
Mr. R. V. Gandhi
Dr. R. K. Matthan
Mr. D. T. Keswani
Past Presidents
Mr. Niraj Thakkar
Mr. Mohinder Gupta
Mr. Kamal Chowdhury
Dr. Sawar Dhanania
Secretary General
Mr. Rajendra Bhamare